Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Abominable Snow Job

Well, I've had to edit this because Funny or Die's widget doesn't jibe with Blogger. So thanks to them for this funny pic:

And now for my top ten captions for you to enjoy (because I posted these on Funny or Die scant hours before the next pic went up, prompting people to ignore my genius. Did I just mispell genius? Spell checker says...No! But I did misspell "misspell." Ouch. Irony is a double-edged sword. Those who live by the pen die mightily by the pen, often by their own stroke!):

10) Unable to watch any longer, Tiffany faces the wall and wonders how she ever thought it would be a good idea to slip acid into her sister’s Kool-Aid. (That's for you, Brent!)

9) Frightened by the shrieking chit, the wookie blanched.

8) "HA!" Suzy yelled triumphantly. "I didn't say 'Simon says'!"

7) Despite a good measure of apprehension, meeting her pen pal of 3 years proved even more traumatic for Jenny then she expected.

6) Why Santa NEVER removes his red coat and pants in front of the children.

5) If imaginary friends could see each other.

4) "Stay Puft!" Suzy snapped. "I told you you COULDN'T borrow my Mohair sweater!"

3) It is one thing to see the rampant albino mole on the family crest day after day; it’s quite another to meet one in the flesh!

2) Every bit as scared as the girl, the giant Opossum collapsed, crushing the chair, the yo-yo, and the family dachshund (out of frame).

1) A little tipsy from the Furry-Con afterparty, Harold stumbles into the wrong condo.

Well there you have it. What? You were expecting 40k? Read this entry's title again, sucker! Oh, and if you can do a better caption for the pic, leave a comment!

Okay, fine, quit your mewling. Here:

0) "Behold! The White Dwarf!!!"

There, a little hobby content for you. Happy now? This top-ten list goes to eleven, baby!

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