So I've already dropped out of the Build Up event at Galaxy. I am disappointed because I was looking forward to one-upping Jawaballs and fielding an 11 drop pod SM army. (That's right--mine goes to 11!) Unlike his Blood Angels, I was looking forward to dropping 6 pods around Half of the Objectives Plus One on turn one and then playing defense from within my wall of fully armed pods and 6 dreadnoughts. C'est la vie. Probably not a viable strategy anyway. School is crazy, and as soon as this semester is over, my wife may be bedridden for weeks from a back surgery, so building a new army and committing to playing several games a month is a little to ambitious for me. Especially considering the rate at which I do anything. "A man on a mission...a very slow paced mission", remember?
So what is the mission now? Man, I don't know. I just picked back up the Eldar codex, and it sure looks sweet after spending the last few weeks trying to fine tune my strategy for a drop pod army. (You wouldn't believe the number of circles and triangles I've drawn. Mathhammer can definitely be taken too far, but I at least proved that if you drop of enough pods around a triangle of objectives, the randomization of any one pod scattering is offset by the rest of the group. I dropped out of the Build Up before completing the final proof, but it is looking like 12 is the perfect number of pods to be guaranteed (greater than 95% chance) to construct an impenetrable wall around an Objective Triangle. But that's not terribly useful knowledge for an Eldar player...)
I celebrated my escape from the Imperial Stategicum by throwing myself headlong into a defense of the Swooping Hawks over at Brent's. I didn't even convince myself. Ok, so there is ONE more possibility I want to check out...hopefully it won't take very long to run the numbers...
But I really do need to give some serious thought what I actually want field since I should be playing some pretty tough games in upcoming tournaments. (I don't think defending the Hawks counts as serious thought.) :)
I confess, I was a little disappointed that I dropped out of the hobby for a few months, buried my head in a notebook with pencil and calculator, figuring every unit and gun's best use and then started putting together my killiest list, only to discover that this had all been done to some extent or other and was posted online for all to consider. True, it was a bit gratifying to see my Theoryhammer vindicated by others' experience, but it seems like now I must decide between showing up with a netlist and a good chance to compete, or a longshot list that allows me to express myself creatively. Who knows, maybe that explains my mad fascination with Hawks right now!
Anyway, I wrote all this...because I'm procrastinating. But now my homework calls. What is your excuse for reading this far? ;)
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11 years ago
I really enjoyed this article, and I think if you spent that much skull-sweat on the problem it wasn't a waste at all. Also, it's HARD HARD HARD to recreate a Netlist with pencil and paper, because the best ones are counter-intuitive at the core then fine-tuned through countless games.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, nobody just woke up and jotted it down. That was an accomplishment, figuring that one out.
Regarding Eldar... would it help if I posted my top list? My Hybrid army is currently in retirement, but it had a very successful year-and-a-half run with very few loses and quite a number of big wins. It had a number of variations, but I finally worked out what I consider to be a top list...
...and it's very controversial, given what people expect to see these days.
You can attack it to your hearts content and it wouldn't bug me.
Very interested. Feel free to post it here if you like, or email me. My problem right now is that I think I know what the uber units are and how to use them, but I can't fit them all into a single army, even at 2500 points. Basically, an Eldar army (like any, I presume) needs to have a focus. And I guess I have commitment issues! Your thinking often sparks mine, so pass me the Eldar baton!